Dean's Profile
The Shourabh College of Veterinary Science is the provider of animal care in the state of Rajasthan and for the region. The college will provide quality educational opportunities to prepare our graduates for varied careers within the veterinary profession, and continues to be near the top ranking of return on investment to obtain a doctor of veterinary degree. Our curriculum is built on a culture of scholarship that has led to the excellent reputation of the college for educating students not only to be ready to enter practice but to become successful veterinarians.
We are proud of our role in providing diagnostic services through our veterinary diagnostic laboratory, and improving the health and welfare of thousands of animals through our small and large animal veterinary teaching hospitals and our ambulatory services. We also contribute to scientific knowledge and understanding through our dedicated faculty and staff who carry out basic and applied research in areas of food safety, animal welfare and the eco-friendly environment.
I’m proud to say that the future of our college looks bright and full of opportunity. We aspire, through excellence, to be the very best Veterinary College. We will continue to strive to build and strengthen our teams of students, faculty, alumni, clients and friends. I consider it an honour to be a part of this team.
Qualification B.V.Sc 1985, M.V.Sc 1988 (Animal Nutrition), Ph.D 1997(Animal Nutrition)
Addresh - Dean Residence SCVS, Kheda
Mob.- 7976977820